How One Introvert Book Changed my Life and Boosted my Self-Esteem


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The name of the introvert book is “Am I Too Quiet?” — and it’s a life-changer. 

There are a lot of books about introvert people. Some educate you about the introverted personality for the better, while others entertain and make introverts feel great about their personality type. 

While all these characteristics are crucial, there has been one introvert book that has truly revolutionized my viewpoints about my personality and helped me become more confident in my skin.

In this article, we’ll talk about what the “Am I Too Quiet?” introvert book helped me to achieve, and why it might be the best book for introverts to read.

Being the author of this introvert book, I’m going to prioritize the content of this book, and how the information I gathered to write this book, truly changed my life.

I had insecurities about my personality type. 

For me, I felt that there was always someone better than me. Even in the area of my strengths, I believed that being a quiet person ultimately pushed me into the background. Irrespective of my ambitions, I was crippled by simply being an introvert. There was always a void in my life that I couldn’t fill, and I wanted to know how to be less of an introvert.

One of the major problems that introverts living in an extrovert world constantly face is insecurities. The feeling of inferiority or ‘not feeling good enough’ is something that most people don’t talk about when it comes with introversion. It’s a consciousness that you might never measure up to others, and not just feeling different. Nevertheless, the information in this introvert book came in handy. 

I struggled to communicate with people badly.

I used to be so scared of talking to people, and this stemmed from my insecurities. Fears about what other people thought of me were terrible, and some outgoing folks never helped the situation by always asking, “Why are you so quiet?”

Even though I wanted to be confident in the moment, those questions made me lose all form of self-belief. I was convinced that others would see my shortcomings, and this prevented me from effectively communicating with my peers. 

There are many books on being an introvert, but only a few talk about the real-life trauma many introverts tend to face. While some introverts might have most things figured out, others tend to get the short end of the stick.

This is particularly true for extreme introverts, who find themselves facing adverse effects from being too quiet. Thankfully, this introvert book also handled this area.

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Five Great Things I Love About this Introvert Book

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  1. It tackles negative stereotypes about introversion.

Who ever said being quiet was a bad thing?

If you think about it carefully, there’s no solid proof that can back up the ideology that being quiet makes you inferior. The truth is, even if you ask anyone that goes by this notion, they won’t have valid answers. 

One of the reasons why this introvert book might be the best book for introvert people to read is because it tackles the origin of this mindset. It helps introverts realize that this stereotype about introversion isn’t real, and has only been passed on without proof. 

You can allow others to believe what they want, but you don’t have to accept it as long as there isn’t scientific proof to back up their claims. More so, you shouldn’t let their notions control your life. There are books for loners or books for introverts who need more social confidence, but this introvert book deals with the root of our problems. 

It’s a book about introverts that doesn’t only encourage you to be your best self but transforms your entire viewpoint about introversion for the better. And that, in itself, has impacted my life.

2. It explains the science of introversion. 

Yes, there’s scientific proof behind your personality type.

Most books about introverts and extroverts explain personality types from the aspect of interpersonal relationships. This introvert book talks about it from a practical viewpoint. Do you know that there’s more to being an introvert than merely feeling uncomfortable in social settings. There’s an entire science behind it.

For example, the way your brain responds to external stimuli that might make you quieter than others. This introvert book also highlights several pieces of research about the human mind that explains introversion. The scarcity of introvert books that dive into subjects like these, makes this one of the best books about introverts you might read. 

The amazing part is the stability it brings to the reader’s mind. Looking at the factual explanation behind your personality can help dispel the negative theories other people have about you. Such knowledge drastically builds your confidence, especially in social settings.

3. It deals with extreme introversion.

I’m an extreme introvert — and I know how it feels. 

Most self-help books for introverts generalize introversion, but many often fall outside this standard scope. Being an extremely quiet person, I’m often faced with advice that fails to work for me, but tends to work for other introverts. This scenario occurs because introversion itself is a range of qualities and not a classification of one trait.

It’s crucial to point out that even extroverts have a dose of introversion in their systems, but to a relatively small degree. Likewise, there are introverts with far too large introverted traits that regular advice can handle. Having a book about introverts and extroverts that focuses on all degrees of personality types is necessary.

Thankfully, this introvert book caters to this subject. It’s not strictly an introvert-extrovert book or a book about introvert and extrovert people. It’s a widely ranged book about introvert people who barely have any social standing, and are terribly struggling to fit in. 

Since it ensures all types of quiet folks have reliable self-help tools for personal development, it’s one of the best books for introverts to read.

4. You’ll discover your most unlikely powerful traits. 

There are many generalizations about what introverts are good and bad at. While the majority of information tends to be true, it’s crucial to realize that all introverts are different. This introvert book disallows unnecessary stereotypes, which is why it might be be one of the best introvert books for you.

More so, it doesn’t put you in a box.

While some books on introverts might highlight that quiet people aren’t good at public speaking, this introvert book refrains making over-generalizations. 

This ensures your potential isn’t limited, and your self-confidence doesn’t diminish. You’re only as good as you make yourself believe, and if you never try, you’ll never know what you’re truly great at.

This quiet introvert book ensures you explore the different sides of your personality that introvert stories might be too constrained to reveal.

It also helped me conquer my fears with the realization that I’m not forbidden to try some extroverted tasks. Even if I fail at them, it doesn’t make me inferior. It only makes me braver and more self-assured. 

5. It teaches you how to exploit your quiet gifts.

Many books are strictly for informative or motivational purposes. If you’ve ever finished reading an introvert book and wondered, “What next?” then, it probably wasn’t practical work. One of the reasons why “Am I Too Quiet?” is one of the best self-help books for introverts, is because it provides actionable steps on how to use your quiet gifts.

It’s one thing to know that introversion makes you unique and exceptionally skilled, while it’s another thing to know how to use these talents to the world’s benefit. If books for extroverts can have action plans, then introvert books should have the same.

No quiet reader should be left guessing. With this introversion book, you’ll have the necessary steps to take to make your life better.

This knowledge relatively transformed my life and made me more confident in social spheres. Therefore, “Am I Too Quiet?” is an introvert book to read if you also want to reap these benefits.  

Live Your Best Quiet Life

Get the Am I Too Quiet? book


Have you read this introvert book? If you have, leave a comment below, sharing what you learned from it. If you or your quiet friend haven’t read it yet, share this article with them. It’s an introvert book quiet people need to have to boost their self-confidence and make them proud of their personality type.


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Yadirichi Oyibo

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